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Shelly the Tortoise: Pet Photography

The owner of Shelly the tortoise contacted me to take some pet images for sentimentality. She specifically asked for images to be taken in outside grass rather than in Shelly's enclosure so that the photos looked "prettier" and more natural.

The day of the outdoor shoot came and turned out to be very bright and sunny. This meant I could use a faster shutter speed to stop motion blur which helped because tortoises are faster than some people tend to think.The sun however did cause issues with shadows over the tortoise's face, casting them in shadow and causing a fair amount of time to keep turning her around to get better lighting.

I used my Nikon D5200 with the 55-200mm zoom lens attached helping to get pretty close to my subject. I also aimed to get a short depth of field to draw attention to Shelly in the grass and daisies.

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