Pippa: Portraiture Shoot

Pippa approached me looking for some portraiture images that looked, in her words, "cool". From brainstorming possible ideas and some research we went with a stereotypical but classic american look similar the movie Grease and 'Just an American Boy" fashion catalogue project by Nicola Luciani.
She had two outfits for the shoot. The first with dark jeans, white t-shirt and a black leather jacket; The second with dark jeans, white t-shirt and a blue and white baseball jacket. Both, though similar, gave off a different feeling.

For the shoot I used a flash gun attached to the top of my camera and a red background. I tried shooting from different angles as well as asking Pippa to pose at different angles and in a variety of ways. We also incorporated a black electric guitar into some photographs which strengthened her particular image at the time.