Gravity Force: Guiding Sport Event

I was asked by a Girl Guiding member if I would be
able to take some photographs of an evening event their group were taking part in. This was a trip to Gravity Force - a huge room filled with trampolines on the floors, also including a foam pit, tumble tracks, trampoline basketball and trampoline dodgeball arena. Straight away I could see the issues I would face when attending. I would have to use a fast shutter speed if I were to catch the action of the girls jumping without blur (all guardians had filled out photography permission forms as part of the event). Issues that I encountered while on the shoot
were that the various light and coloured light sources effected the white balance on my images so I had to change the setting fairly frequently when moving around. I also had to use a higher ISO because of the dimness of some areas. Another thing I found was that in most places, the viewing area was a fair distance away from the action. To counter for this I used my 50-200mm zoom lens with my Nikon D5200, rather than my standard 18-55mm one.